








  Does eco-tourism make a profit? It makes much more than monetary benefits. Let me spell out the propitious trilogy of eco-tourism.

  Pragmatic- it improves our standard of living. Immersing yourself in the Nature ( whether quietly or actively ) is the best way to draw yourself from the hurly-burly city life, and to relax your body and mind and enrich your spirituality in this beatific ambiance. It allows you to marvel and appreciate the magnitude and wonder of the natural world and to meliorate your physical and mental well-being. The nature is also an ideal classroom for environmental and civil education. You can never imagine how much you learn, and enjoy, in a well-organized eco-tour.

  Scientific-Eco-tourism enhances the environmental consciousness in technological development. Technological advancement accelerates productivity as well as pollution. Eco-tourism provides an incentive for the development of green products, such as vehicles of minimal environmental impact and recycle systems in lodges. Renewable energy and the concept of sustainability are the essence of development of scientific and engineering. It is sad to see that China has not realized the danger of the upsurge of the number of cars in the country; but eco-tourism can be the solution to combat these undesirables by promoting the incentives and initiatives for green technologies.

  Artistic- The sensitivity towards our environment is the key to artistic refinement. Our artistic sense transcends our daily experience into sublime sentience. Look at the havoc and ravages at the Cultural Centre and you see the poverty of sensitivity in the society. Eco-tourism arouses our curiosity and admiration towards all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small – this is crucial to our appreciation of arts and our creativity. Isn’t it wonderful if our kids write a poem about a pheasant they see during a hike instead of thinking about chicken nuggets?






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